Today is a New Day!

I woke up this morning and said to myself "you are young and able-bodied, get your @$$ up!!!". I did, I really did say that to myself. I knew if I'd lay there any longer I'd sleep until 40 min before time to leave for work. I went to the gym yesterday after weeks of half-behind going and felt awesome afterward. I've given ever excuse not be there. Oh i work late this week...oh i need to clean the kitchen when i get home...i have wedding research i want to do...EXCUSES are tools know the rest.

When actually, those things weren't super important. I made them more important than caring about myself and my health. So this morning I tweeted (FOLLOW @MsSMarie22 on Twitter....shameless plug) about my battle to get out of bed to work out and surprisingly people gave me feedback. I think seeing that there are other people struggling to wake up and get moving lit an extra fire under my butt to lace up the sneakers.

Now to truthful, I didnt do anything spectacular today. I walked around my apartment complex w/ some arm pumping action going on & then sprinted when I felt like it. Those sprints probably looked like slow jogs but HEY I'm a work in progress! LOL, once I got home did a  couple of Just Dance songs on the Wii. Felt good, my fav are the songs with Tribal rhythms. hehehe...

To anyone reading this, you just have to start...does this mean I'm going to have a great day, but I started this one off right. Sounds like an AA meeting but this journey is truly 1 DAY AT A TIME.

Talk to you later Lovelies!


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