Spring 2 Summer Challenge
I absolutely love this time of year! It's lighter longer in the evenings, its warmer getting warmer outside, cheery colors are debuting at the makeup counters and clothing boutiques, what's not to love?!
Well I can give you one big FAT reason, being overall uncomfortable!
Plus size people have it hard during the warmer months...higher temperatures mean less layers, more skin showing, more perspiration, do I need to go on?!
You have to have a certain type of confidence to wear some things I see men and women wear as it gets warmer.
Well this I my goal this year is to be more comfortable! I've never been one to wear long sleeved shirts or ban shorts from my wardrobe because I carry some extra pounds. No ma'am! I will not have a heat stroke due to cellulite! lol Also though, I do at times feel uncomfortable in certain things due to weight. My
So, I'm going to start a challenge! It'll be two-fold.
Part 1
Starting today March 23 through June 21 (1st day of Summer) I'm going to work on maintaining/continuing my weight loss and strength training. I know that much of my lack of comfortableness comes from having a few "jiggly" places. So, strength training is going on to be all the way "turnT up"!! (as the kids say).
Part 2
Challenging myself to minimum 3 items I wouldn't normally pick for myself. This is another comfort issue. My body is changing but sometimes it is hard to get out of you own head about body image!
Want to follow along? What are some things that you currently would skip over in the store due to your size?
Give me some feedback fashionistas!
Talk to you later Lovelies!!!
~ Shan, Naturally Random
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