Home Style | Redesign on a Dime

I have been all moved into my new apartment for quite some time and decorating has started. Our last place, we started decorating always felt sparse and incomplete. So this time around, we’ll do mini-projects here and there to get things done faster.

So where did I start?? I started at the fireplace and mantle, of course. It’s like you can’t miss. I had some long late nights on Pinterest looking for inspiration.  We live on a budget and in keeping with the “mini-project” theme, I wanted to get it decorated quickly and affordably.

As we were unpacking I realized we have a lot of small décor items that could be used for the mantle. JACKPOT! Puts debit card back into wallet! We have many pictures we have that have never made it on to the wall. We even took family photos at a studio over the holiday and those pictures never were framed either. We also have multiple vases that have been gifted to us and haven’t seen fresh flowers in ages!

Blah, Blah and More Blah!

I mapped out the orientation and position of the items to look like before deciding on the placement.  Feel free to use other items (i.e. the corkboard) to serve a space holder. I like the dimension of the corkboard, so I knew I’d like a photo or piece of art that matched it’s scale.

Well I didn’t have any photos printed or frames similar to the size of the corkboard but I still like my end project.

Items used:
4 - Painted 4x6 frames (originally from Dollar Tree)
2 – Vases (originally from Dollar Tree)
1 – 8x10 wood matted frame (old, source unknown)

Wondering what is spelled out in those frames, it’s our name, duh! We’re #TeamFife (yes, pronounced like Barney Fife). I used a site that I often use for blog graphics, Canva.com! I’m a novice when it comes to Photoshop and if you are to, sites like this can be a great resource for the blogger who just wants awesome images! I printed and cut each image to fit the 4x6 frames. Easy peasy! 

Do you have any home decor projects coming up? 
How have you incorporated things you already own into a new space? If so, comment below! 

Talk to you later lovelies,

~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random 


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