Beauty | My 4 (and a 1/2) Step Weekly Beauty Regimen
Hey Lovelies!
For awhile now, I've really felt that I needed to re-develop some sort of self-care/beauty regimen. SIDE NOTE: I have been living the stubble life this summer and guess what...I don't care.
I digress...So lately I've taken baby steps to taking better care of myself. In this post we'll be covering skin! I mean it is your body's largest organ! #nerdlife
I totally have a love-hate relationship with my beauty regimen. I'm always putting off doing it until the last minute. I then feel like I have tons of things to do and so little time, all the while with the toddler shadowing my every movement. I know I have to do it so I still manage to fit these things in (at least) weekly. I'm a #RandomGlam kinda' girl!
Step One: Exfoliate with DIY Sugar Scrub
Before showering, I'll take a few moments to scrub away the all those dead skin cells that don't come off with daily showering. I pay special attention to my feet, knees, elbows and face. I don't like to exfoliate too often as I wouldn't want to irritate my skin. So that's why I opt for once a week. If you'd like to make your own scrub, click here LINK for details!
Step Two: Cleanse with Dove Beauty Bar (Pink - Rosa)
Now, let's be clear...I shower daily but it just wouldn't be accurate if I didn't include my shower with this self-care routine. On this day, its step two. I shower w/ my Dove Beauty Bar. I feel in love with this soap years ago and I've been a "pretty much" loyal customer ever since. I just love it! It smells really nice and and its a subtle scent to me. Dove keeps you well moisturized and there is no soapy residue left behind. Now, only if we could get rid of our "hard" water. But until then, it lathers up really quick and you can use on your entire body.
The next steps are handled outside the shower at my bedroom vanity.
Step Two 1/2: (I'm a little shy about this topic sometimes but whatever, here we go): Prevent razor burn with Witch Hazel
I suffer from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and one symptom (other than cysty ovaries) isunwanted facial hair. I'll discuss why I remove hair with a razor in a future post. Anywho, after I'm out the shower, I put a little witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply to newly hairless areas. So yes, I have a slight facial hair problem but hey, this is me. Witch Hazel has alcohol in it and fights inflammation, so razor bumps be gone!
Step Three: Facial with Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque <--Want to see a pic?
Straight out of the shower, while pores are still open, I go for a little more deep cleansing of the face. I do this especially on weeks where I've mustered up the energy to actually apply makeup. I recently starting using Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque. Totally affordable and I'm loving the results. My combo/oily skin looks a lot better and pores seem less noticeable. My skin feels so refreshed afterwards. With it's low cost and great smell, this has been an awesome addition to my weekly regimen. Next up: Charcoal Mask, recommend me one in the comments!
Step Four: Moisturize with Pond's Cold Cream or Jergen’s Shea Butter Moisturizer
I use the Pond's cream so sparingly I purchase it from the travel section in Target. I little goes a long way. I use it primarily on my hands and face. Now, I've talked about my love of Jergen's on the blog before. It's actually one of my favorite frugal summer beauty products! Read more about: Beauty | 10 Under $10: Summer Beauty Products
That's about it for my weekly regimen. I really don't have time for much more. Other items are handled washing and deep conditioning my hair (sigh, it's a process). #naturalhairproblems lol
If I'm really feeling fancy or my daughter's hanging with hubby....I might even paint my toes or shave my legs (actually, leg shaving is more like monthly ha!) #SecretsJeansCanHide
If you are interested in looking over and trying some of the products I've tried then comment below!
Talk to you later lovelies,
~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random
For awhile now, I've really felt that I needed to re-develop some sort of self-care/beauty regimen. SIDE NOTE: I have been living the stubble life this summer and guess what...I don't care.
I digress...So lately I've taken baby steps to taking better care of myself. In this post we'll be covering skin! I mean it is your body's largest organ! #nerdlife
I totally have a love-hate relationship with my beauty regimen. I'm always putting off doing it until the last minute. I then feel like I have tons of things to do and so little time, all the while with the toddler shadowing my every movement. I know I have to do it so I still manage to fit these things in (at least) weekly. I'm a #RandomGlam kinda' girl!
My 4 (and a 1/2) Step Weekly Beauty Regimen
Step One: Exfoliate with DIY Sugar Scrub
Before showering, I'll take a few moments to scrub away the all those dead skin cells that don't come off with daily showering. I pay special attention to my feet, knees, elbows and face. I don't like to exfoliate too often as I wouldn't want to irritate my skin. So that's why I opt for once a week. If you'd like to make your own scrub, click here LINK for details!
Step Two: Cleanse with Dove Beauty Bar (Pink - Rosa)
Now, let's be clear...I shower daily but it just wouldn't be accurate if I didn't include my shower with this self-care routine. On this day, its step two. I shower w/ my Dove Beauty Bar. I feel in love with this soap years ago and I've been a "pretty much" loyal customer ever since. I just love it! It smells really nice and and its a subtle scent to me. Dove keeps you well moisturized and there is no soapy residue left behind. Now, only if we could get rid of our "hard" water. But until then, it lathers up really quick and you can use on your entire body.
The next steps are handled outside the shower at my bedroom vanity.
Step Two 1/2: (I'm a little shy about this topic sometimes but whatever, here we go): Prevent razor burn with Witch Hazel
I suffer from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and one symptom (other than cysty ovaries) is
Straight out of the shower, while pores are still open, I go for a little more deep cleansing of the face. I do this especially on weeks where I've mustered up the energy to actually apply makeup. I recently starting using Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque. Totally affordable and I'm loving the results. My combo/oily skin looks a lot better and pores seem less noticeable. My skin feels so refreshed afterwards. With it's low cost and great smell, this has been an awesome addition to my weekly regimen. Next up: Charcoal Mask, recommend me one in the comments!
I use the Pond's cream so sparingly I purchase it from the travel section in Target. I little goes a long way. I use it primarily on my hands and face. Now, I've talked about my love of Jergen's on the blog before. It's actually one of my favorite frugal summer beauty products! Read more about: Beauty | 10 Under $10: Summer Beauty Products
That's about it for my weekly regimen. I really don't have time for much more. Other items are handled washing and deep conditioning my hair (sigh, it's a process). #naturalhairproblems lol
If I'm really feeling fancy or my daughter's hanging with hubby....I might even paint my toes or shave my legs (actually, leg shaving is more like monthly ha!) #SecretsJeansCanHide
If you are interested in looking over and trying some of the products I've tried then comment below!
Talk to you later lovelies,
~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random
Disclaimer: All products were purchased by me for the sole purpose of personal use.
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