Philanthropy | March for Babies - Walk For Button!
I'm an auntie to nieces and nephews to be exact! But today, I wanted to take about my extended family. I have a host of other babies that are just as important as my blood relatives. I'm also a Soror Auntie. That means, all of these children will grow up knowing is that their Mom calls me Soror and Soror means Sister via sorority membership!
So today I'm here to help the spread the word for one little girl & her mom that are very dear to me. Her parents affectionately call her "Button". We met her sooner than expected and March of Dimes assisted the parents as they transitioned into preemie parenthood. It's been a long road and organizations like March of Dimes help families journey along it.
Join our March of Dimes - March for Babies team as we help support infant prematurity on April 30th!
I'm walking, would you like to join me?
#WalkForButton #preemiepower #MarchOfDimes #SuperHero #soRHOr #aunties
For more information on our team or to donate, please see >>
Any questions about the team, feel free to email directly:
Talk to you later lovelies,
~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random
Any questions about the team, feel free to email directly:
Talk to you later lovelies,
~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random
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