30 by Thirty: The Road to Official Adulthood

I will turn thirty on August 21, 2014.
That gives me a little more than one month to do all of the things on this list…

Let the games begin!!! 
(in no particular order) 
1. Buy a new purse
2. Order new contact cards 
3. Purge & Reorganize my jewelry
4. Do an DIY project
5. Dye my hair
6. Finally get a thrift garment altered & wear it! 
7. Take time and polish my nails 
8. Wear a weave/wig 
9. Use a grill by myself
10. Participate in a group fitness activity
11. Try a new restaurant 
12. Purge & Organize makeup
13. Lipstick Haul *just being honest* 
14. Get eyebrows shaped professionally 
15. Shop for lingerie 
16. Go to a concert/play/live entertainment
17. Get a haircut *big friggin deal!* 
18. Have a dinner party
19. Reevaluate retirement savings plan
20. Try a new recipe & blog about it
21. Take a road trip 
22. Enter a contest
23. Bake a cake from scratch
24. Come up with a tag line for "Ms. Naturally Random" 
25. Decide whether or not to get a tattoo 
26. Wash my car
27. Start a skin care regimen 
28. Practice applying "smokey" eye makeup 
29. Do a blog giveaway
30. Drink coffee
(I’m crossing them off the list as I complete them.) 

Now, I'll be completely honest. Officially, I'm giving myself until the end of August to complete all items listed. So technically, this is the "30 by End of Bday Month" List LOL!  

Talk to you later lovelies, 

~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random 


  1. Yay! I can't wait to see these things get marked off the list.

  2. Yes!!! Great list!! Looks like a great summer!!! Tattoos!!!

  3. Lmbo @no 9. I need to do that too. I have no clue on how to use a grill. No 20 sounds perfect ;)

  4. Trying to find time for #9 is proving difficult...and #20 I'm so indecisive. I'll be coming back to your blog today, I know I'll find something that peaks my interest. #nomnomnom

  5. I think its a definite. We've really streamlined our budget but I think I can get it done!

  6. Marking off has begun. Up next...taking time to give myself a mani!


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