Motivational Monday

Hello lovelies! 

Today's Motivational Monday is a great "GET UP AND GET MOVING" song! If you are looking for something to help you get through that workout this morning, this one will definitely put you in a "feel good" mood. 

I love the lyrics.
"When you get elevated, They love it or they hate it

You dance up on them haters"

Janelle is telling us that you have to find balance in this journey called life. No matter how far you go, no matter how much success you have, their will be people that aren't as excited about your success as you are and that's ok! Totally ok! Don't waste time and focus on trying to convince others. Walk your walk and progress will come in your own time. My husband and I also love a song that lyrics say "we ran own pace, we won our race!" Its by Kindred and its called "Stars". Do just that! Your biggest competitor is staring you in the mirror! Let your competition be the timer, not the person running beside you. Now let's start our week and "t-t-t-tip on the tightrope"...

Talk to you later lovelies, 

~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random


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