Textured Beauty Spotlight: Shawndrika Cook

Introduce yourself!!
Hi. I am Shawndrika Cook, a counselor/therapist from Birmingham, AL. I am currently pursing my second degree in counseling as an Education Specialist. I love my soRHOrs of Sigma Gamma Rho!! #eeyip. I created a blog call Daddy Daughter Conversation (http://daddydaugtherconversations.blogspot.com/) which I created to get through a brief marriage and painful divorce (It was my therapy after therapy). I can also be found on fb and twitter.

Why did you go natural?
Hum.. I went natural after I experience a heartbreaking break up with my first love, adjusting to the difficult of being in and starting a relationship again, and the frustrations being single. You can say that going natural was my new start to life and my release from my past.

When and how did you transition to my natural?
I have been natural for 10 years, and was doing it before it became popular or a trend. I started my junior/senior in college. I didn't do the big chop (Wasn't brave enough), but I did transition and let my perm grow out. Also during this time my mother was losing her hair because of a chemical reaction to the perm and the chemicals that she was using at work. I didn't want to go through that with my own hair, so the decision to go natural went from a thought to a priority.

How has natural affected you?
OMG!!! Can you say judgement. When I went natural there were no products or tutorial to tell you how to look cute while transiting or even what to do with your hair. So everyone thought that my hair was nappy, that it was unappealing, and that I had lost my mind. I got judge as not being cute or sexy. Let's just say being natural was something that taught me how to be strong when others are ignorant.

What mistakes have I made with my hair and learned from?
Over pressing my hair has been the biggest mistake for my hair. My hair holds heat; therefore, it doesn't take much to straighten my hair and keep it straight. The lesson behind it came after straightening my hair for several months. It change the type of my natural curl and I have straight ends that still haven't gone away or converted back to my natural curl.

What is your go-to hairstyle?
Twist!!! They can be curled, pinned up, twisted, braided, and just left alone if done right. After you get tired of them you can untwist them and do some more styles.

Name a random fact about me?
Hum...I live up to every stereotype of a Libra 

Well that's about it folks! Don't forget to check out fellow blogger Ms. Shawndrika at: Daddy Daughter Conversation (http://daddydaugtherconversations.blogspot.com/

Talk to you later lovelies, 

~Shan, Ms. Naturally Random 

Email me @ msnaturallyrandom@gmail.com


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