Lifestyle | Back to Work: A Journey to Finding Work/Life Balance and Financial Independence

We wear many hats, mother, partner, auntie, friend, and coworker. We're holding down our home, some with partners, some with tribes, and some alone. We're making moves in our careers, and while that can be fulfilling, balancing it all can include rough days. It is okay to acknowledge that. Sometimes, sis, it is too much. Today though, I am focusing on another angle. A beautiful balance can exist in your life and there is a power that comes with it. I always attempt to speak plainly here. The financial independence that came along with returning to the workforce is immeasurable for me. Transparency moment—there is nothing like knowing you are contributing to your household and securing your own bag.  

The Impact of Financial Independence: 

  1. Economic Impact—My income acts as a buffer to financial instability. My partner was our primary financial provider for a few years and ultimately I decided it was not the best for our family or myself in the long run. We were getting by okay but both desired to do more than just “get by” in life. Since returning to work, my financial contribution has created more flexibility in many areas of our lives.

  1. Caregiving Impact—Women often take on a disproportionate share of domestic duties when they leave the workforce. When I returned to work, my partner gained the opportunity to restore the balance of childcare and homesteading. We both exert our strengths in all areas of family needs and take pride in the fact that our partnership is not dependent on following gendered stereotypes. Teamwork makes the dream work, baby!  

  1. Personal Impact—Returning to work reignited (some much-needed) mental stimulation, a reassessment of my skill sets, and an opportunity to build new networks. Engaging with others to complete tasks of mutual benefit (for profit) has been rewarding. Furthermore, it instilled a sense of personal achievement that gradually boosted my confidence to explore the question, “What else can you pursue?” beyond childcare.

You will first need to find a balance between work and family life and this is, of course, is easier said than done. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle of chasing after what is most important to your inner you, keeping your health in check, and making sure you are showing up for your kid and your partner all the time. The key is to give yourself permission to prioritize all of it; in a way that works best for you. 

  1. Identify Priorities: This takes planning. Pick an interval that works best for you, day, week, month, quarter, etc. Take time to ask yourself, “What are the most important things that need my focus today [at work & at home]? Narrowing it down can help you focus on what truly matters and set realistic expectations for what you can accomplish. 

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish what is acceptable and within your comfort zone. At work, this could mean being clear and firm about your availability. This could result in declining a meeting or covering someone's shift. Aim to set specific work hours and communicate them respectfully. At home, create a routine around dedicated times. Use items like a shared family calendar or refrigerator notes to signal when something needs your undivided attention.

  2. Delegate and Compromise: We do not entertain superwoman idolatry over here. You don’t have to do anything yourself and it is acceptable to ask for help. Yes, that is hard. Yes, you still must do it. Outsource what you can. #TheEnd

  3. Include Self-Care: Check in with yourself by assessing your energy levels and align your priorities accordingly. Remember, it’s cliche but true, you can not pour from an empty cup. You’ve enacted boundaries, now it’s time to uphold them. Carve into your priorities time for yourself. Is working out important to you or maybe keeping your hair in order; either way, get it in, without interruption. Allowing myself permission to care for myself was the biggest piece of the puzzle for defining the balance my life needed. Self-care is not selfish. 

The current dynamics of society can intensify burnout and obstruct a working parent's quest for balance. To successfully counteract Superwomanism, it is essential to prioritize self-care and delegate tasks to your support network when needed. There is a need to shift towards achieving financial independence and establishing a sufficient support system. Explore ways to enhance your well-being while excelling in your career—begin your journey now!


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