Textured Beauty Feature: Victoria

Here at Ms. Naturally Random, I'm always out and about seeing fabulous ladies with textured tresses. I choose to wear my hair naturally as well, I love the diversity in which we style our hair. 

Shan: Introduce yourself! 
Victoria: Hi there, I'm Else Victoria but you can call me Victoria. I'm a 20 year old ambivert, fashion enthusiast and aspiring 'turbanista' hailing from Namibia (South West of Africa). I'm also a student and rookie fashion blogger over at http://victoriasfashiondiary.com/ . My Tumblr blog is http://callmeviicki.tumblr.com/, IG: @callmevictoriia & Twitter: @callmeviicki. :)  

S: Why did you make the decision to "go" natural?
Victoria: I went natural because my relaxed hair was beyond damaged. It was so thin, shedding really bad and not growing at all. My scalp was full of painful scabs from horrible relaxing sessions and I couldn't take it anymore. 

S: When and how did you transition into natural hair?
Victoria: I had my last relaxer in June/July 2011 and started transitioning under senegalese twists. In between take down and a new set of braids I would snip a little bit of the relaxed bits off. Around April/May of 2012 I cut off all my relaxed hair. I still kept braiding back to back. When I first started I knew nothing about the Natural Hair Community or any of the information available online. We didn't (still don't) have natural hair salons or stylists here and kinky natural hair was a rare site then. My plan was to live under braids. My friend then told me about a natural hair blog she found and I've never been so happy in my life!

S: In what ways (if any) has going natural affected you?
Victoria: Going natural has definitely affected my being. To be honest, I expected a completely different hair texture, faster growth rate and crazy big hair. I have 4c hair and maintenance was difficult in the beginning. No one, except my mom, understood what I was doing and why I'd want to have this "horrible, unmanageable" texture. A relative once told me my hair looked like a blanket. It got to me but I decided to stand my ground. This is how God made me, I'm beautiful and I love it. I'm not apologizing for this texture, sorry. My confidence, self acceptance and self love has been at a high ever since. This journey went way deeper than my hair. I no longer look for people's approval in things that I do or the way I look. I am happy with me and if you don't like it, that's none of my business.  

S: What mistakes (if any) have you made with your hair that you've learned from?
Victoria: My biggest mistake was copying and pasting what I saw other naturals do with their hair and being utterly disappointed when my hair didn't turn out the same as theirs. I learnt to focus on my own hair and do what my hair loves. 
S: What is your go-to hairstyle?
Victoria: My go-to style is a bantu-knot out sometimes turned into an up-do. It rarely fails me. I'm not that adventurous with hairstyles. I'm trying to branch out this year though.

S: Share a random fact about yourself.
Victoria: My Grandmother is 106 years old and still going strong!  

Thank you for reading this week's #TexturedBeautyTuesday feature Victoria! I thought we should know more about her! Doesn't she look fab?! Another #RandomGlam indeed! 
Remember to check her out at here and follow her on social media! 

Stay tuned for next week's feature!! 


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